You Don't Understand What It's Like...

It seems like each day
I start to die
But you'll never see the tears I cry!
I'm the one everyone goes to,
When they hurt or repent,
Or when they're angry
And need to vent.
Is it my purpose to take their pain away,
To hurt for them, but help them breakaway
Or so that they might live to see another day?
I feel and know things I should not
But my heart aches
As I bear the pain they could not.
I help them let go,
And look forward to tomorrow,
I help them move on,
And live through the sorrow.
I was there when your heat fell apart
I helped you piece it back together
I helped you restart.
I hold the pain you forgot
So that you'll be free
To find the happiness you sought!
You don't understand the pain I see
You never see how much it hurts me,
Cause you don't know what it's like,
To be me!