You're Goin' Down

I warned you, mother fucker.
I said it to your face.
She's my best friend.
Time to put you in your place.
She said she didn't do that.
You tried to anyways, why?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Why'd you make her cry?
You better hope we never meet again.
Might want to stay far away.
'Cause the moment I lay eyes on you.
I've got something I want to say.
Or maybe I won't SAY it.
Maybe I'll kill you instead.
I think her and I'd both be happy
Knowing that you're dead.
You are a low-life fucking moron
If you think she'd take you back.
Who would date a transy
With the organs that they lack???
You can try to say things.
Try to make me scared of you.
But i'm not scared of bitch-ass
Retards with no clue.
I hope you rot in hell
You player-want-to-be.
If I ever meet you there
I'll show you what that means.
You called me a poser.
You said that I was trash.
But your stupid little antics
Have simply given me whip-lash.
Did you never realise that
Me and her are alike?
That we both do the same things,
That we both like to fight?
And remember what I told you,
You better pray to God tonight.
For if we meet again...
I p.r.o.m.i.s.e. you a fight.