Love Me Because You Are Hurting Me

Love Me Because You Are Hurting Me

The distance is still great
But the mind is going away
Time seems to stop and wither
I don’t know if I’ll ever be back again

These instants are keeping me rooted here
I still don’t know how to describe them
I guess the truth comes out at night
When thoughts of you lull me to sleep one more time

There was a time when we joked around
Saying it was all a lie
But then you had to show it to me
Without even realizing it

I feel strongly about you
But I know you are oblivious to it
You still think I’m just that friend
The one that is always there

But I’m not there anymore
Have you replaced me?
If so, is the replacement going through the same now?
Oh, how hurtful it gets this time around.

I will talk with you again
I’ll ignore my feelings and be that friend again
You will smile and hug me, still joking around
And you will tell me you missed me, and you will forever

I will grin up at you
But my heart is breaking into pieces as I look into your eyes
Can you see the truth in mine?
It screams at you: Love me, because you are hurting me.