
To me, you always smiled
and said things oh-so-sweet
then, when i left, you chopped me up
like a piece of raw, dead meat.

I think that only God
may know of you what's true
no one knows you, really,
i think not even you.

your honesty's deceiving,
reality's a fraud
if i'd known you were an actor
i truly would applaud.

i may have never shared this,
though i suppose it's true
what i know about lies and heartbreak,
i've learned it all from you.

you played me and our friendship
with strategy, like a game,
a chess board of both our lives,
my demise for your fame.

and this flower made of cloth,
you told me it was real.
it's scent, your smile, our friendship,
they all had certain appeal.

i was open, friendly, honest,
you messed up, i cut you slack.
and in return, you betrayed me,
and stabbed me in the back.

turns out i don't want your friendship
you i can live without
the fight just wasn't worth it
i can say that without a doubt.

your true nature, i have realized,
is deceiving, with a flair
for dramatics, and now i can say
i really don't care.