Woahh. Bitch, Watch The Hair.

Everybody knows that I like a good fight
Beating the shit out of people feels right
But when I feel guilty, it really sucks
Won't feel it 'bout you, bet you fifty bucks
I like making witty comments in the heat of the game
And knowing they can't tell, they don't know my name
It's the beauty of bein' me, I guess you could say
The party, the crash, these games I play
"Bitch, watch the hair."
I say, but I don't care
I Just feel like making you feel like shit
You know I know your mad, and I like it
Basically, I raised myself 'til now
Left alone, don't know when, or how
But it's true that I like to hit things
I like all the guilty pleasure it brings
And I like to watch you bleed
It's the exact satisfaction I need
Because I guess, inside I'm mad
You have everything I wish I had
A family: a mom that's alive, dad who cares
You get all the love, and that happiness that bares
So I'll keep saying "Woah. Bitch watch the hair"
And I might keep on believing that I do not care
Everybody still knows that I like a good fight
Hitting something makes my heart feel light