this is my life

when life is misery and misery is life
You wish it would pass away
into the night, into the cold. gone forever

my heart is lost in a sea of hatred and depression
just waiting to be saved
but it's never right, now ment to be

like the sun i was happy, always playing about
but clouded by commentz, words and actions
thatb turned me into a storm full of hate

desperatly i tried to run, get away from it all
but nothing seemed to work
i was traped by the memories that haunted me
going round in circles. i was never getting out

blood, scars, sharp objects and pain
this is my escape, my way out for just a little while
it eats me up till finally this is my life

B****, retard, freak, loser
you have no friends, no one likes you
these are what haunt me in the day and
then repeat at night in my sleep

i now realise theres no escape, no way out
this is my life
tears, self-harm, hatred, lovelessness
i will never experience more
my life is meaningless

and now i end to say to you
ive tried aand will keep on trying to end it all.
whatever it may be
but in our lives we have little say
some lives good but fo me its not

hay comment me please
i rote this at a very dark time in my life