Thorazine Dreams

Thorazine dreams muffle silent screams,
Are the paitents only means of escape.
Crying, and yelling.
The doctors only telling that it will be okay.
When on the drip, your thoughts may slip
into a foggy haze.

Along this trip you go oblivious to The guards heinous acts.
Some do their best, while the rest
Never help these poor souls
Lost in a haze of drugs and illness.
But is it really ilness or just a difference.

Those deemed not violent, still so medicated
Their personalities Evaporated, their minds violated.
By the probing curiousities, but they are atrocities.
For what is man without mind, a person cannot find
The truth without, there is no doubt.

Thorazine Dreams and silent screams leave us wondering,
What really happened in those asylums.