Earthly Spectrum

Earthy Spectrum

If life was a color
It would be red.
Filled with passion
That will never be dead.

If sunsets were a color
They would be orange;
Bright, intense—
And never boring.

If happiness was a color
It would be yellow.
Brightening my day—
Not for one instant mellow!

If you were a color
You would be green.
Learning and growing
‘Til you burst at the seems.

If she was a color
She would be blue—
Searching for knowledge;
Seeing all that is true.

If I was a color
I would be purple.
Flashy and odd,
And sometimes hurtful.

Looking at everything
Laid out above,
I can confide to you
One thing I love.

Everything’s different—
You and me…
And every color
Takes its own lead.