Why is it Thee?

Life is almost like a dream
Even though at one time all i wanted to do was scream
He took my worries away
And made them all fly away
Oh me,
Why is it thee?

The darkness is gone and the light shines through
I sometimes wonder
What is my cure for you?
I don't want a cure
I want you...
But...why is it thee?

You gave me everything I could possibly ever ask for
You gave me my moonlit hopes and the sunlit dreams
You gave me a future longed to be seen
But i still think
Why is it thee?

Maybe we're meant for each other
Maybe I'm better then i think
But then why do i feel like a tiny smudge on a sink
I've already said yes
And in the future I will say
I do
But for now
All i can say is
I love you
Thats, why it is thee.