Be Careful What You Wish For

Be careful what you wish for,
For it might just come true.
Be careful what you wish for,
It could break your heart in two.

Be careful who you whisper to,
They may not be your friend.
Be careful who you whisper to,
They might bring you your end.

Be careful what you listen to,
Don’t be so naïve.
Be careful what you listen to,
Or all your friends will leave.

Be careful what you look for,
It just might be pretend.
Be careful what you look for,
Or whom you might befriend.

Be careful what your friends do,
Things you never knew.
Be careful what your friends do,
Or it might hurt you, too.

So be careful what you wish for,
It could break your heart in two.
Be careful who you whisper to,
They might bring you your end.
Be careful who you listen to,
Or all your friends will leave.
Be careful what you look for,
Or whom you might befriend.
Be careful what your friends do,
Or it might hurt you, too.