A Druggy's Life On A Note

I can hear the church bells singing,
While this needle in my arm is stinging,
I know one more pinch and I'll be okay,
They say I'm going to die, but we all die one day,
I'll fall asleep with my high,
There might be someone else in the room, it might be a guy,
I tell everyone I've had my last hit,
But it's so damn hard to quit,
Everyone wants to get me help,
But I always feel better after a pinch and yelp,
No one know whats to do with me anymore,
I'm always tired and my body's sore,
My lights have been turned off and i can't pay the bills,
So I'll go pop a few pills,
I'm starting to feel dizzy and it's hard to see,
My body goes numb and I wish I coud I bleed,
I guess the pills went straight to my head,
But nothing matters now, I think I'm dead.