Mother Like Daughter

“One more month and all I need is a sign from you that you think of me, if you don’t..Then please just say so,” the music played softly, running through the wind at a gentle pace
Tears fell from the sky, less than painfully
Leaves, a darkened red, fell from the trees
Circling in a whirlwind around the little girl that stood in the rose garden
She gasped in amazement, her black hair blowing back in the wind
She quickly pulled out two red ribbons and tied her hair into kiddie pigtails
Her silver eyes shone cautiously
The leaves spun quicker, whipping around and slamming into different wind streams
The little girl spun, her hair turned Irish red and jaw length
The ribbons fell slowly, rippling in the pale moonlight
The girl stopped and looked to her right
Spotted her silver eyed and black haired mother
She held her arms out and the little girl ran to her
The mother smiled gently and the wind slowed down
The two faded away like an old photo, leaving the ribbons in the grass
A brown haired man with gloves of black picked up the slivers of ribbon and frowned
He knew what he thought, but was blank minded
Laughter was heard, chime like and lovely
Motherly, daughterly, laughter