
Emmy Haye moved down the hallway, books clutched tightly
‘Sixth period,’ registered in her mind
‘Language arts. English. Easy.’
She spun on a heel and headed right, her converse making no noise
Against the polished floor
She walked down the hallway, fearless
Like so many times before
But quickly things began to happen, abnormal in their ways
The wallpaper peeled off the walls in a dreamy haze
She took no notice, her walking continued
‘Stop---,’ she told herself, and she did
She stood there eerily, staring straight
Slowly turned her head left..
Emmy Hardy found herself staring into a pair of eyes
Black Filled eyes
Along came a whispered rhyme, haunting in its own way,
‘Little lamb all alone, hunted by the lion. They fell in love, the lamb was trying. Lion made mistakes, but never was mistrusted. He then left the little lamb all alone and dusted…’
Emmy frowned, knowing this poem
Ignoring the voice in her head
‘The little lamb became the meal of the lion’s foolish collision. Became a sheep, hurt the creep, and grabbed self decision.’
Emmy Haye found herself thinking, ‘Sixth period. English. Easy.”
As she moved down the hallway, books clutched tightly.