Mother and Father Dearest

What did I ever do,
For you to not care?
Why did you never play your part,
As the father that was supposed to care?
No, you took the role as the father,
That was never there.

Where were you when I needed a mother?
You were in the other room laughing with a beer,
To lazy to wipe a single tear; to lazy interfere.
If my life were to end right now,
Would you cry?
Or would you dance on my grave and not give a second thought,
As time went by?

Because of you mother and father dearest,
My smiles are no longer real.
Because of you,
Sadness is all I feel.
My happiness is a show,
And your in the front row; laughing
Im at an all time low,
And still down is the only place left for me to go.