Friendships Disappear

Squeals, screams, giggles
That is what you hear
Secrets, dreams, aspirations
They are being told
Little girls; happy but they don't know what is coming

Hair up, bathing suits on, laughs loud
They imagine what is coming
Prince charming, beautiful dresses
That is what and who'd they wear
They see no harm in what is done

Time is short, laughs no longer
The time is hated when spent together
Hoping for failure, even disaster
The feeling is strong
The feelings are born without premeditation

Lies are told, the truth has been stretched
The groups of childhood are over
wicked smiles are given, glares are returned
This means only one thing: War
The intent was deliberate

Hair is pulled, tears are shed,
Prince charming was stolen by the other
The Feelings are clear

They now despies each other.