
Blinded; I stumble forward on broken legs.
I beg and plead.
Fingers fumbling for a single touch.

Tears fold and form birds as they take flight down my skin
Ripping the dirt away from my flesh,
They sink in.

I look up at the stars,
Counting them you find they are infinite
And tell me they are the equivalent to your love.

As we kiss,
Glass explodes,
Puncturing me.

You lick away the stains on my skin
Telling me everything is perfect, beautiful.
I think we both realize I'm going to scar.

But it's just a dream, this "you and me"
I look at you, and despite knowing you so well,
I can't tell what you're thinking.

What you have is a beauty.
She's gorgeous and funny and nice.
She's everything I want to be.

I open up my foggy eyes,
Attempting to help you see.
I guide you along yet you won't listen to me.

Can we all see but you?
It's open and wide,
Waiting for you to realize it's just a simple lie.

I am broken and bare,
Raw for you, only you.
Bleeding; I stumble forward on broken legs.