Ice Runs Through My Veins & I Missed My Chance To Thaw Out

I'm an ice man,
Not cool, just cold.
I can't tell you I'm your biggest fan,
It chews me up inside.
Ah, to be strong & beautiful & bold.

But ice flows through my veins,
I can't speak up & tell.
You pounce & hug me & I pretend to hate it.
My arms fall by my side as your warmth mealts my brains.
I just wish I was thawed out earlier.

I'm numb inside.
When I saw me on your screen,
emblazened & praised, on a pedestal I was placed.
All I could do was run & hide.

I feel myself melting on the spot.
Breaking & shattering across the floor.
Peices of me fall off as your breath on my neck becomes hot.
But just as I open my mouth, the flames are extinguished.
You turn to enqire, but I just stand, as quiet as before.
Frozen Inside.