Behind Your Expressions

How is it that you can say "I love you" to someone and mean every word, but when you desperately need to hear those three words, no one is willing to say it?

How is it you wake up without any worries, and go to bed worrying about tomorrow?

Why is it that when you want to scream and cry alone, someone always seems to be watching?

Why is it someone says they want to be the one to wipe away your tears but when you do cry, they're never there?

Why is it that when you want to smile and just be happy, your heart is the first to weap?

Why is it when people tell you their troubles, you worry about theirs and ignore your own?

How can you be the shoulder to cry on if you're the one that desperately needs to cry?

Why is it when you cry no one is there to wipe your tears away, but you're always the first person people go to so they can cry?

How is it you can stand in the center of a crowd, but be so alone?

Why do you smile and face your enemy with courage, when most recoil in fear?

How is it you're able to stand tall and proud when you want to hide away?

Why can you be so strong when you're so fragile?