my dark days.

the one i depended on, the one i longed for,
you vanished from my side in a bink of an eye.
you never even knew my feelings, the ones that cared and tended for you,
i sat and cried for you because of my selfishness .
i didnt relize what i had in front of me,
because in time you left me, and i shouldve made the most of what i had.

i will never know what you held, in that chain of yours
that you promised youll give me when the time is right.
i will never be able to wish for you to get down on one knee and ask me that special question.
i close muy eyes and take a breath and savor my memoires....
i am strong, without you... yes i do admit it, but we were stronger together.

as i pick myself up from the floor, it dawns to me that i will never have you there to hold me anymore.
and i promise to love you for ever, but im scared to know that you never will love me back gone or not....

next day, picking up myy heart, something happens mama comes knocking on my door.
she tells me how you left my some special things.
so im on the floor yet again, eyes filled with curiousity.

i begin with the letter....
to my babyshay,
if your reading this letter that means i died. i have so much to tell you that i was probably to scared to even say. well, if im died im glad to know i died loving you. yes thtaz right shay, i love you to. im sorry for leaving you, but my cancer , well, its the death of me. i want to give you a few things, the first thing is my grandmothers ring, its not a marriage ring, its a promise ring, i want you to promise you will always love me, i do not care in what way, and promise you will never forget me.the next thing is all the pictures i took of us and mostly you, stalker much right! i also want you to burn all the pictures that i have with my ugly boldyness. itz yucky promise me that will you? And finally i want you to take my chain and open up the heart, once youve done that, i want you to never ever take it off, both the chain locket and the special something inside. And i will be watching MissShayWhite . well, this is the last time we ever talk i guess, and stop crying, you deserve the world. i love you, and forever Shay! Just remember that.
P.S. I'll bee watching you, don't do anything stupid......

that letter meant so much to me.
i was in tears, not sad or anger, it was tears of happiness, and love.
he loved me, he really did...
once i opned up the chain locket a ring fell out .
i was so confused, but it was a pretty ring, with a center diamond inside.
then there was a leter in purple typing, his favorite color, and now mine.

babyshay.... i didnt care what everyone said, about our age i just dont care, this is... well, was our ring, my ring, and yours, please keep it forever..... will you marry me, haha even in death? i hope my love.

nothing, could compare to the feelings i had right now......
i am mrs. white, and i dont care what anyone says, death or not, he will be with me forever....

uncontrollable tears streaming down my face,
because deep down inside i know that your gone and i will move on....
and i dont want that to happen.
asking the havens for help and crying why they toke you away from me
it never helps, i know your in a better place
and im being selfish, but its love, and ill do anything.....