Summer Means Freedom

The wonderful word slips through my lips, tickling my tongue
I embark on the intruding adventure called life,
Unsure of what awaits me in the distant-near future
The very thought of independence
No more miserable dull walls, malodorous rooms, and monotonous voices
Filled with uncontainable, irrepressible, and immeasurable joy
Relieved from the constant pressure, the incessant breath on my neck
The cumbersome contemplation of a caper in elation
Screams, shrieks, and squeals of gleeful delight imbue the hallways
The heavy doors pushed open, in a enthralling moment,
Its unwilling horde of prisoners at long last released
Hope, distaste, and neutrality drive them forward
Hope that freedom will last longer than the designated period
Distaste for the building that holds them approximately 30 hours a week
A neutrality of those who are unsure of their opinions