The Hunted

Do you dare come out
and hunt tonight?
Do you dare while the moon
is shining bright?
The valley reflects
our echoing cries;
we rule everything
under the night sky.

Do you dare still look
into the shadows now?
Do you still boast loudly
with you gun, when we growl?
The woods out paradise,
our dining table;
only the strong survive here.

Out teeth sharp as knives,
feet swift as the wind,
our glowing gold eyes,
the deep passion within.
So huddle to your fires,
your houses safe and warm,
we are natural killers
from the day we are born.

We aim for the throat,
we want to kill quick.
We never toy with our food
like you did with our kin.
We've been around forever,
in legends and lies.
Noble and clever,
we hide in disguise.

We walk beside you
in different shapes and shades,
but do be a fool
our night follows each day.
You become more brave
as your weapons get better,
but the smell of your fear
makes out appetite wetter.

The best hunter here
will make the least noise,
waiting patient and confident,
strong and poised.
Just a few more seconds
till your jugular's in view.
So tell me now human--
who's better than who?