Silent Screams

I curl up tight and try to hide
The raging fears that lurk inside
Whispering of each weak part of me
My childish insecurity.

The mask has slipped; I'm losing face
I'm on my way to a fall from grace
I've gone too far and burst the seams
The world can hear my silent screams.

The restless urge to please my peers
Is easing out those locked up fears
So much pain for me to be
The perfect girl they want to see.

My aching mind can't take the strain
I need a way to release this pain
Clones stop and stare with vacant eyes
False sentiments as the freak girl cries.

Unruffled hair and flawless skin
My aching need to be so thin
Craving and slaving to be the same
The pressure's on to win thier game.

But soon all the damage starts to show
Blatant signs of a depressed low
My soul's thrown out for all to see
Wailing to the world a wordless plea.

I've let go, life is lived on code red
Now I've changed, they just want me dead
The black sheep's always rejected
Left alone, cold and neglected.

Better rewind and take it back
Cross my fingers that the walls won't crack
Pray I will break only in bad dreams
Let the Sandman hear my silent screams.