One Way Glass

You don't see me, but is see you,I see you through this one way glass.
You all walk around innocent, thoughtless, emotionless, like nothing matters but you.
You all see me but you don't see me, the real me. the girl that knows sarrow, the girl that knows deepth, the girls that sees what you all are trying to hide.
I know, I can see it all,I can see the little girl crying deep with in your soul, the little girl crying out for her mother to hold, for herfather to stop the pain, for her sister to stop the blood.
I see it,I see it all, I know it all.
I see through the panted on faces, the one way glass, andI see,I see you the real you, the you that you are trying to hind.
I know what it is like, what it is like to try to hide, to try to hide your self behind the one way glass,I know that even though you hide it, it still hurts, it still burns you sole, it still stings, it still crushes your heart,I know,I know that pain,I have felt that pain, andI know, I know that one day, one day that one way glass will shatter, it will crumble, and fall to the ground around you, and when that day comes,I will be there, I will be there to catch you when it all comes falling down, becauseI know, I know what it is like to have that one way glass crumble,I know what it is like to hind behind that one way glass.
You don't see me, butI see you, I see you through this one way glass.