I Wish You Were Here (On a Shooting Star Babe)

I'm so, so cold
You hold me tight
Pull me close to you
I breathe in your scent
Taking it in: so addicting
Becoming warmer, slowly

I'm so cold again
By a cold, cold breeze
You drench me in quilts
Just to keep me rather warm
Because I'm cold, I'm just so cold
You're starting to help, getting better

I'm freezing here
You appear with cocoa
I drink it and try to share it
You refuse and say it's mine
Because I'm the cold one here
I'm getting warmer, just a tad more

I've goosebumps
You hold me tighter
Wrapping your arms tight
Round my body, so close to you
And then you press your lips to mine
And I feel so much warmer, so much better

Thank you