
As the feeling of worthlessness convulses upon it,
the pure feeling of innocence sweeps past.
Lost so long ago,
and as all smiles are only a cheap imitation of happiness,
life simply dies.
Withers away.
The winds blow from the ground,
eradicating all of everything,
a deathly silence embraces this darkest night,
and only a candle flickers in the distance.
As split upon the road of deathly sorrows,
walking in the ghostly transparency called dreams.
Speaking only of pale truth and demented hearts,
swirling in the eyes of the most lowly.
The shadows creep along the the walls of the cremated cities.
No amnesty lies in the darkened eyes.
Angelic voices sing in through the distance,
words of hope and wisdom conclude the lowly ballad.
Singing the unfortunate fates of painless bloodshed.
So unimaginable darkness swells upon the light that once foreshadowed this land,
as the trees sway to the pulses of this demented lullaby.
Lowly rains falling through an auburn sky,
beating against the ground that tried to create restoration,
it will never be.
The golden lyrics pierce the air,
dying down to the lowest perception of life.
Corruption possess us all now,
lips moving along with these magnificently fatal words singing the sounds of the passage.
Crooning along through the far off orchestras.
Let this feeling fall,
let this like falter,
let the words be snatched from these lips,
and the beating of the heart be halted.
No pulsations of life shall stir this memorable darkness,
as throughout this deathly air shall this beating begin.
No disturbances shall pass,
no thing can penetrate these sorrowful words.
As the crescendos continue on and on,
as this lullaby becomes consistent,
the angels release the wrath of deprivation and death upon those upon their knees,
falling down to the floor of this hollow prison.
Pulsing throughout the entire worldly existence,
the endless eternities,
the constant space.
All goes black.
Only this deathly lullaby sings its sorrowful sounds.
Still never ceasing,
cutting through the darkest black,
and causing the last drops of blood.
down to this blackened corrupted everlasting soul.
Floating across this endless perception that once held life.
Now only holding the darkened souls,
passing only blindly through,
the deadly lullaby still rings in their ears,
only their constant companion,
singing all of through the misery,
all of the hate,
all of their tears.
The only road to a something of life,
to an everlasting light that will never come.
Still corruption seizes them,
still pushing through,
still never faltering their will.
This road to light,
is only a road to darkness.
This lullaby is the only guide of deliverance.
this is where this lullaby shall end,
shall play its last note,
and sing its last word.
This is where it shall all end.
Where the devils shall burn in their fire,
and the angles will be blinded from their light,
where our mere mortals continue for something that will never be,
his is where the gates shall bend and break,
and fall down to the pitless hole.
all from these simple yet severe words.
Nothing can be changed yet so through.
Insanity simply passes through like an old friend,
mocking our worthless existences,
these screams are only more signs of delight,
its all that creates our lovely little lullaby,
Entwine darkness with light,
what shall our conclusions come to?
More darkness,
more evil.
screaming shall continue for deaths that can't be fated upon,
because death has already taken them.
It sings with glee,
it mocks the constant anguish.
This is Deaths Lullaby.