I'm Not Your Average Hellstorm (Lyrics)

(V1)Take it into concideration

I'm not your average girl

Tell me I'm not right for you

And I'll tell u I'm a whirl

Break me broken heart

and I'll shred yours in two

Tell me I'm not worth it

To everyone but you

(girlly laugh)

(Ch1)I'm not your average Hell-Storm

I'm not the girl next door

I'm silver, and glass

Gold, and Brass

I'm hell to the bitter core

I'm not your average Hell-Storm

I was built to scream

I'm sugar and spice

and everything nice

Like a 5 ton rockin machine

One day you'll learn

what it takes to earn

my love

(V2)Think twice 'bout leavin

I'll pull u back by threads

You'll wish you were in heaven

and I was dead

I'm the way I am sorry

Can't change a thing like that

You like spirit, well your about to become one,

And come back as a worthless cat

(Girlly laugh)

(Ch2)I'm not your average Hell-Storm

I'm not the girl next door

I'm silver, and glass

Gold, and Brass

I'm hell to the bitter core

I'm not your average Hell-Storm

I was built to scream

I'm sugar and spice

and everything nice

Like a 5 ton rockin machine

One day you'll learn

what it takes to earn

my love

(Br)One day you'll learn

not to mess with me

I'm a strong girl

so just leave me be

Mess with the best

Die like the rest

Cut down with a switch

End up my...oops

(Evil Laugh)

(Ch3)I'm not your average Hell-Storm

I'm not the girl next door

I'm silver, and glass

Gold, and Brass

I'm hell to the bitter core

I'm not your average Hell-Storm

I was built to scream

I'm sugar and spice

and everything nice

Like a 5 ton rockin machine

One day you'll learn

what it takes to earn

my love