To The One Lost

Can you remember tonight?
The one that treated you right
The one whom stayed by your side
No matter how hard you tried
And the emotions you felt
Are now with somebody else
And when the world fades to black
And you’ve been stabbed in the back
Will you think of the one?
Whom you thought was a bum
Or will you run in and hide
Keep your emotions inside
Let them tear you a part
Just like you shattered his heart
That’s when carma attacks
And the heart that you lack
Sees the one that you ran away
Stays away
And finds someone else
And you are left all alone
With out a house or a home
When you sit there and cry
Think of why
And how
And what happened to your life

You could’ve avoided plenty of your struggles by staying with the one who loves you rather than leave for someone who could care less. As the chips fall and the pendulum swings will you be happy or content. Happy with the path you’ve chosen or content with hope that someday the one you left would find you and carry you back to freedom from the lifestyle that is filled with regret and strife. Only time will tell right? RIGHT!?!?

So now follow your heart
And find a new life
Share your hopes and your dreams
With the one that pleases your needs
And when your heart’s beating fast
And your breath you can’t grasp
Because the one that you love
Is holding you tight like a glove
Remember the fact
That when he loves you back
You can see
What love really means
When it finds you…