Time Only Matters to the Living

Cold and dark I lie here
Waiting for the end
The ticking on the clock
Holding back my friend

My fingers tap my chair
Awaiting my cruel fate
I’m becoming very impatient
I’m too excited to wait

I know very well I deserve it
I know that there’s nothing I can do
I know that this punishment is fair
And I know that my punisher is true

Eyes watch behind a window
But it’s more like a mirror to me
I can see my disappointing reflection
How can that reflection be

I have lost weight since my arrival
My hair has left my head
And the baby fat in my cheeks
Has finally managed to shed

Tick, Tock, Drip
Tick, Tock, Drop
The sweat from my brow
Falls with ticks of the clock

3AM comes way too slow
It’s too early for such a thing
All of us are tired
We can’t wait for the phone to ring

They wait at the edge of their seats
I lay back in mine
You’d think I’d be in tears
I’m actually just fine

Finally the phone rings
I smile and so do they
It’s time for their fun
It’s time for me to pay

The man hangs up the phone
The priest opens his book
The executor turns
And gives just one last look

He pulls the ominous switch
Pain runs through my veins
Electricity courses through me
I shout sweet Jesus’s name

I smell the rotting flesh
The burning is too much
I couldn’t stand the heat
Or the Grim Reaper’s touch

Finally it stops
My surroundings are all white
My body is at peace
In this new heavenly light

But then that all changes
The light fades away
The gates close tight
Keeping angels at bay

The heat returns
But now it’s ten fold
My skin is on fire
My bones brittle and old

Hell is awaiting me
A new warden to lead
With a whip in his hand
From my fear he will feed

I enter this world
My head held up high
All my earthly traits
I leave behind

A new land to conquer
A new place to roam
I’m glad I am here
I missed home, sweet home

-Navysteel (won first place in The One Thing Contest)