Do you ever wonder?

Do you ever wonder why people are who they are?
Do you ever wonder why you have blue eyes instead of brown? or any other color you have.
Do you ever wonder why you have your mother's nose instead of your father's?
Do you ever wonder why you got the parents you have instead of your friends parents?
Do you ever wonder why there is always love and hate in the world?
Do you ever wonder why there is always going to be a way?
Do you ever wonder why people die at the time they do?
Do you ever wonder why babies are born on the day they are?
Do you ever wonder why things happen?
Do you ever wnder why people get married to someone you don't truly know?
Do you ever wonder what goes through people's minds when they kill someone?
Do you ever wonder what is happening in another countery?
Do you ever wonder how it would be to have someone elses life?
Do you ever wonder why god chose these things for you?
Do you ever wonder what will happen if you don't do the right thing?
Do you ever wonder if the sun will rise the next morning or if the moon will shine the next night?
Do you ever wonder why the sun shines and not the moon?
Do you ever wonder why things are named as they are?
Do you ever wonder why your not as smart as your friend?
Do you ever wonder why you are good at wat you do?
Do you ever wonder why this life was chosen for you and not someone else?
Do you ever wonder why you do things that are unexplained?
Do you ever wonder why you are who you are?

Do you ever wonder?