Good Bye My Friend

Tear me apart piece by piece.
God free me from my own disease.
Break my silver mirror,
Free my pain, its driving me insane
Myself I can’t stand anymore
Being called a whore, a living hard core
The scars all over my body I so well hide
Rips my soul apart deep down inside
You think you know me so well
But I can assure you, you don’t
I can tell my tears I cry silent you see
This is the girl I was long meant to be
Filled with shame, only my self to blame
Sad, alone and depressed
I’ll free my self to an eternal rest
I’ll close my eyes and leave this world in disguise
Knowing I wont be missed, but you my friend
I’ve dissed, I’m sorry you ever knew me
Please don’t catch my last fall
This life has reached its end
I love you and good bye my friend