Love is Watching Someone Die

When the blade awoke the crimson tears,
your voice was all that reached my ears.
So I dropped the blade at my feet,
and ran through rain and sleet.
When I found you,
the angels sang,
letting me know I was home.
In my relief, I lept into your arms,
knowing you'd keep me from any harm.
You kissed my hair, my nose, my lips,
and brushed my jaw with your fingertips.
You squeezed my hands,
but I winced in pain,
your expression sadder than the rain.
My world began to fuzz and blur,
I swayed and stumbled,
my knees buckled,
and a gasp escaped our lips.
You layed me down,
and you checked your hands.
The terror in your eyes was unbearable,
as my blood dripped of your wrists on to the soaked cement.
'No' you whispered as you began to shake,
tears ran like rivers down your face,
dripping off your chin and falling on my lips.
I closed my eyes against the sharp pain,
focusing on the salt of your tears against my tongue.
I could feel my self slipping,
your sobs echo through my ears.
I'm floating above a sobbing you,
watching you violently try shaking the life back into my limp body.
You give up and gather the empty girl in your arms,
I can hear you whisper 'I love you' over and over again.
My spirit touches your shoulder,
'I love you' I whisper and then walk into the bright light.

I'm thinking of maybe turning this into a song. Comments and suggestions for improvement are GREATLY appreciated!!
Comments Please!!!
Suggestions for more poems too!!
Thanx You,
-Elle ^-^