mend a broken heart

once there was a young philosopher
a true beauty she was
who was gentle and kind
who never broke any laws

and although she was gentle, harmless and kind
blessed with beauty and flaws
not even she was saved from
betrayal's dirty claws

it started out romantic
midnight walks on beaches, roses, things like that
but little did she know,
he was an unfaithful, dirty rat

she found out one day
she thew out all his clothes
but she could never come to believe
what he did under her nose

they never got back together,
though they never managed to move on,
well, it was like that for quite some time,
but she had waited for him too long

she met a nice guy,
who treated her incredibly well,
he was so much different from her last,
so in love she fell.

and so he became her husband
and she never needed another
there was no doubt about it...
he was the perfect lover

so thanks to the man
who loved her from the start
she now knows that you really can
mend a broken heart