Birthday Cake

The lights dimmed and
In came a cake, looking afire
With so many candles upon it.

Everyone crowded the table, singing.
There I stood, wearing one of those dumb party hats,
Surrounded by all those who care,
Except the One.
My Brian...

My smirk turned into
An all-out smile as they finished,
"Happy biiiirthdaaaay toooo youuu,"
Clapping, shouting, whooping as I
Bent and blew gently at the candles.
I felt a brush of air tickle my cheek
And watched in surprise as
All the flames extinguished.

I'd had help.
I know it.
Even in death, he never misses a party.

My first very serious boyfriend, Brian, died of an aneurysm last month. He was the life of every party, had a smile that could kill (with kindness, mind you), and was probably the sweetest man I'd ever met, though he had a thing for leather and never once failed to scare the ever-loving shit out of any guy dumb enough to come up to while with him.

It's strange, but sometimes I really think he's there, just around the corner, hiding where he knows I can't see him. But it doesn't matter if tries to hide or not. He always was the worst at hide and seek...