Forever Scarred

I swear by my heart
That by my hands you will die
You will die the next time my eyes see your face
And your face is what I wish to get out of my mind
Because over and over
I relive that time

Have you ever hated someone so much that you just wanted kill em
Shoot em point blank and then watch while their bleedin
I have
I do

I bet youve never felt the way I do
How do I know this
Because it didnt happen to you

And if it has i'm so sorry and I can relate
But its not a crime if you tell someone too late

He held me down in my room and covered my mouth
He told me to be quiet when hes done hell be on his way out
But you see he never left he did this repeatedly over and over again

I have nightmares of this man
I see him everywhere that I stand
I cant wait until hes dead or at least in prison
I wanna see his last breath leave him
I hate him so much I wanna be the one that takes it from him

But who knew it wasnt a crime if you tell someone too late
Youd think that rape is something that they would take seriously

Just needed to get my anger out, this is about my ex who raped me over the course of about a year and a half
I dont know where he is now
But when I find him.....blows will be thrown and blood will be shed.