
Get a taste of this thing we call love
It doesn't grow from the ground, or fall from above
Like the blood within us, it's always there
But like the air around us, we're unaware.

The plants below us need water to grow
The clouds above us need wind to blow
All around us, the elements found their love
They're not picky, they don't shove.

But we're different, we have special needs
We see beauty in flowers, and burn all the weeds
Chop down trees and plant new seeds
Do you expect it all to just come back?

Accept no love if we see imperfection
Have no feelings, show no signs of affection
Throw away the weeds that are what they are
Useless to us, they're only a scar

On the road to perfection, we cheat, lie and steal
We hurt those who love, pretend we don't feel.
Keep searching for the rose, I'm sure it's around.
Purposly put into view, not growing from the ground.