Would you drown in the ocean? Or never touch the sky?

First before the poem, a little intro in case people didn't read the description because it's important to the poem and it got cut off, so here it is: This is to a sad dream I had and someone said this to me in it (my best friends character Sarion Hellsing....steal the name and get hurt). their question was at first, "now that the two men who loved you are dead, if you die before your time, what would you love...who will you go with?" and then he said this. The sky and the ocean are my favorite things to stare at and this question actually made me think, "would I go with the ocean or the sky?"

Do you love the sky,
to stay on land and always stare at it,
but never be able to touch it unlike the ocean,
only by the tallest mountain,
only to stare at the colors that paint it so carefully,
and then get bored and stare into the ocean,
realize its beauty too,
and then love it more than the sky and know that you can touch it,
but never go in?

Or do you love the ocean,
admire its beauty,
drift off into its peaceful sea,
knowing you will eventually drown unless you hold onto something or go near the sky,
and then stare at the sky,
even until your eyes strain to stay open,
always to realize that you can't touch it and when you reach up,
you frown,
because it's always there and even father than before now?

So my question is:

Would you love the sky and never be able to touch it,
Or would you love the ocean and drown in it?

by: Sarion Hellsing, me