She knows it.

She looks out her window
at the full moon
and hopes with all her heart
that he would come back soon.

Her hand shaking with fear and dark excitement,
she reaches for the blade
and slits her fragile wrists
thinking about all the promises he made.

Her emotions turn to mush
and inside her, lights shine as bright as day.
She repeats it over and over again
only because there's no other way.

Things get too hard for her to handle
but she knows it's not normal to want to die.
Not normal to be scared of her own reflection
or to live a weak little lie.

"Why can't things be like before?
Why can't he come back?" she said.
Even though she already knew...
It's because he's dead.

She knows why she's empty.
She knows why she's alone.
She knows that her one and only
is never coming home.