The Ugly Truth

You're almost as fake as your laugh,
Are you really as superficial as you seem?
I see the way you treat your "friends",
I laugh at how alone you really are,
They all talk about you behind your back,
The best part is when you make fun of people with no friends, when really you don't have any at all,
They're all as phony as you, what makes you think they're trustworthy?
You've worn out your "welcome",
I know you don't give a damn,
So why act like you do?
It's just another lie, great idea,
The world doesn't like liars, but your foundation is built off of them,
You make me sick,
Your pretty face,
Your "perfect" body,
Your plastic existence,
You fall right in with society,
Why can't other people see right through you?
I guess they enjoy the feeling of being used,
It doesn't take a genius to realize how artificial you are,
So put on your layers of make up,
To try to cover up the deceptions all over your face,
Buy expensive clothes,
To try to hide how ugly you really are,
Get a manicure,
To try to rid your hands of all the dirt you have on them,
Put your fingers down your throat,
In hopes to keep your body from digesting all the lies you just told,
But where is that going to get you?
You'll just keep doing it time after time,
Who really has the last laugh here?
When you find out the ugly truth behind you,
You'll see how pretentious you really are.