America, what we've made beautiful

o beautiful
for spacious skies,
distressed with battle planes.
causing terr'r, in other lands,
which at ourselves take aim.
America! America!
your god can save us now.
yet, looks like he
has let us be,
doom at an ally's brow.

o beautiful
for pilgrim feet,
deciding they were best,
black, jew, or gay,
or woman, they,
spit upon the rest.
America! America!
this is our fatal flaw.
a melting pot,
no diff'rence sought
is tearing us apart.

o beautiful
the rights we have,
we're losing every day.
as years go by,
they all decide,
we can't use them ourselves.
America! America!
our first amendment right.
i use to say,
fuck yourself, eh!
from sea to (overpopulated, dirty and photoshopped) sea!