Face of What?

The face of innocence is no where to be found,
It has no look, it has no feelings, it makes no sound,
The existence resides with ignorance,
Ignorance creates innocence.

But in a world where you can know all,
How do you make sure you don't fall?
To get wrapped up in such a simple game,
Once one word is said, nothing is ever the same.

We've all heard the beat of our heart,
We’ve all wanted to the beginning, the start,
The ordinary days turning old,
Then what happens when the flower petals begin to fold?

What will happen when we’re casted from society?
When our feelings are opened and diagnosed like an autopsy?
When all the knowledge we gain starts to fail,
When the rain starts to hail.

Ignorance really isn’t bliss,
But when you don’t have it, it’s something you start to really miss.