...And It All Backfired..

Watch those tears,
Tears fall from her sadened filled eyes.
She feels nothing but pain,
Caused by the one she calls 'mine'.
He kissed another,
Held her hand;
She know's he's cheating.
'Cause of her friends.
She loved him so,
He was her 'first love'.
But he had a secret,
He never loved her.
Her best friend 'Am' was his one.
So he broke her heart,
And moved on.
He then got with Am,
but the good thing is,
It all Backfired,
him, and Am...
Never lived happily ever after.

based on what happened to me.
i wrote this in no way offencesive to amanda, or alex.
i just wrote it to get it off my chest.
i wrote this almost a year ago anyway. so alex if you read this, don't fucking start.
okay? xx