Losers in Tin Foil (Don’t Try to Change Me)

What did you expect?
Am I supposed to roll over and die?
Take off running into the night?
Would that be more ladylike?
Would that be more appropriate?
Would you prefer that I was a delicate flower,
to be run off by the slightest show of blood?

I don’t fit my packaging,
isn’t that how you described me once?
I don’t have the attitude of the helpless maiden.
You wanted to be my knight in shining armor,
but I didn’t want to be rescued.
I’ve had one too many knight in that shiny, shiny armor turn out to be a loser in tin foil.

I have the ability to care for myself.
I won’t let you take care of me,
because no matter what you say,
you won’t always be there to “defend my honor”,
or whatever.

Back the hell off.
Don’t be in my face for taking risks,
especially for the people I care about.
Things get messy,
it’s the way of the world.
If I take the risks,
I save someone else the trouble and the danger.

So don’t try to stop me,
don’t try to rescue me.
Just stay out of my way,
and let me do what I feel I need to do.