Not Perfect

I screwed up again
And I know it won’t be the last
I know I gotta start thinking
Cause I’m smarter then this

The problem is
You think I’m perfect
You think I’m smart enough not to screw up
And the real thing is
I’m not so perfect when you get to know me

I’m sick of everyone expecting so much out of me
I don’t understand
When I screw up
Its like world war three

The problem is
You think I’m perfect
You think I’m smart enough not to screw up
And the real thing is
I’m not so perfect when you get to know me

I’m sorry if I disappointed you
I’m sorry if I’m not what you wanted me to be
I’m sorry for all ways fucking everything up
But I’m not perfect
And either are you

I wish you would realize
I’m just a normal person
And I mess up all the time

So the only thing I got to say is
Don’t judge me by my failures
But only by my dreams