My new life

Ive moved so many times in my life
But we finally stopped moving
When we moved here i met this girl

When we first met she didn't talk to much
But now she won't shut up
I can't help but to love her
So what....

Ive only known her since 3rd grade
Yeah we fight like sisters
But in the end we find a way to get over it
When we meet up we cant help but laugh

Some how we find a way to talk to each other
Even when we hate each other
She always will be my best friend
Even when we she hates my guts

I love her to death
Sometimes even more than my life
When I lay in the middle of the road
I can always count on her to lay with me

We don't want to die
We just think its fun
So whatever i do
She will always be right there with me

I love you Dulci
And always will
No matter how much we hate each other
I'm always here for you

And you know that
Your are my best friend
Through the thick and thin
I will love you forever Dulci!