It's Like An Ice Age

It's Like an Ice Age

An Ice age is coming, It's coming for me.
To change my whole life To a different degree
It's getting colder and colder, its freezing so fast
A brand new future without a trace of my past.
I stand alone in the freezing cold
All by myself with no one to hold
I'm hungry, I'm Lost and unbelievably scared,
It took me by surprise, I wasn't at all prepared.
The water has froze and food I cant find
For I would give anything if time I could rewind
I would not take advantage but treasure it all
Whether it was the big, the medium or even the Small
But An Ice age is coming, It's coming for me,
To change my whole life to a different Degree.
I stand in the middle of this untimely change
Everythings so different, everything is so strange
I'm alone In this world-alone and trapped
But I no in the end I have to adapt
Get use to the cold, the snow under my feet
Forget about the past, forget about the heat.
This is only the beginning and a brand new start
A chance to get stronger and mend my broken heart
Because an ice age is coming, its coming for me
To change me whole life to a different Degree!

By Krissy Snifeld