
I held a box
With a tightly kept lid
For all my thoughts
And emotions that I hid

It contained a story
Of a girl with a smile
Who couldn't let them see
That she was in denial

I opened my box
So slightly for one
Who learned all my thoughts
And how the story had begun

I watched myself unfold
The letters of my life
That I used to hold
Neatly and organized

I could no longer trust
Anyone to see me
Unopinionated and just
I only needed her empathy

We watched as the depths
Of truths we'd dubbed lies
Danced before us
While we spoke and cried

The corners of our souls
We had sworn didn't exist
Began to be told
From our very lips

We watched the frame play
A sadistic slide show
Of memories that won't fade
And scale numbers that fell

While I left my box open
And others took notice
They took a look in
And left is spotless

I hold and empty box
As tightly I close the lid
For all of my thoughts
Are no longer hidden