Transformers:Revenge Of The Fallen

Bumble bee can’t talk,
& that pisses him off,
I bet if he had a voicebox,
He’d tell the world to fuck off !

Optimus Prime Optimus prime
yeah i'm gonna put him in this funky rhyme .
he's beast as hell with his turbo jets.
He's really as good as it ever fucking gets !

Shia Labeouf has a robot car,
and hes part of a thousand year old alien war,
he seriously needs a hobby or a life,
and then make Megan Fox his wife! ;D

Megan fox is quite the hawtie
just looking at her pictures makes meh feel naughgty
i'm jealous of shia, that lucky guy .
i'll steal her & the camaro & wave bye byeeee!

Shia's mom buys a weed brownie,
needless to say it makes her happy,
so she goes off and embarasses him,
I bet after that he wanted to punch her and break her chin

College rules, we all know that .
parties by the millions, hawties walking by .
keep yer mind straight !
even though yew know yew wanna get between that one gurls thighs ;D
things aren't always as they seem .
for example, watch her transform before yer very eyes !

planes,trains, and automobiles,
if your blender tried to kill you how would you feel?
Shia deals with all these robots all the time,
Side to side he fights with Optimus Prime,
one day he might just walk out the door,
but for now he's going to win this war! >:D

Fighting in the dessert ain't no peice of cakee.
especially with yer whiny roomate crying enough to fill a lake .
the twins will keep yew safe, no need to worry .
hopefully they won't kill eachother first & leave yew in a flurry .
the heat & sand whirl around yer crew .
that's yer last of worries, don't forget to look behind yew .
explosions hit the sand barely missing yer trembling body .
duck & cover & if yew must, quickly flee !

Youre new to the school,no need to worry,
start to panic when robots that follow you destroy the library
the evil hot robot is right behind you!
run to your camaro and figure out what to do.
to your surprise your girlfriend has a robot locked in a box,
in your head youre just wondering,"WHAT THE FUCK?"

when the whole world's looking fer yew, where do yew go ?
keep yerself hidden or else yer done fer .
follow the man into the meat locker where secrets unscrew .
new information, new ways out, let's get going out the door !
museums full of old artifacts, & maybe something else too.
planes transform into decepticons .
a decepticon turned good, woohoo !

old decepticons with a funny accent,
you expect him to go mad and start a blastin',
instead he tells you he's on your side,
you look up at him,filled with immense pride,
he teleports you to egypt where the pyramids are,
you sit in the sand wonderin' "dude wheres my car?"
you eventually find yourself in an old tomb,
the twins fight,smash against a wall and its goes BOOM,
you find what you've been looking for all this time,
now lets get goin' and save optimus prime! :D