What Happened?

Yeah I liked you.
Liked as in past tense,
I used to.

Now I'm not sure.
You broke my heart,
And for a broken heart there's no cure.

You said you loved me.
But now I can't tell.
Don't lie, you even called me sexy.

Then you go and get a new girlfriend?
Leave me behind even though we weren't together yet.
And worst of all she's my best friend.

You hugged me tight.
Held me close in the pictures I have of 'us'
It made me feel like everything would be alright.

I feel like I'm just another one.
Of those million girls that you've dated this year.
I bet you think that this is fun?

To play around,
With their emotions,
Then dump them when there's someone new you've found.

We weren't together.
You said you wanted to be
But now the answer is never.

Try to explain to me, go ahead.
But I won't listen there's no need to,
I know what happened and that's all that needed said.

I don't want to listen to you lie.
Let me leave
So you don't see me cry.