Late July and Breathing Again

The traffic is loud and smoky but this day is summer-perfect
And this donut is so greasy that it’s staining the bag
But My God you’re gorgeous and the grass is soft and warm

And I haven’t felt so Alive
In such a long time

So I stuff a handful of this perfect grass down your back
And you kiss me

And all of a sudden this silent town is breathing again
Slow and easy like tying a shoelace and taking a walk
Downhill in the rain with headlights and taillights and streetlights
All blurry and brilliant sending streams of light into your eyes

And when you kiss me again the broken
Little man across the street has started to sing
Low and raspy out-of-tune guitar chords
With the gentle pulse of the Tambourine he has tied to his foot
As it touches the sidewalk

And the passerby stop to listen one-by-one dropping little piles of change
Into the cup he has balanced on his knee
Until he has enough to buy a guitar pick to replace
The dirty plastic spoon he has been using

And everyone is hearing and listening even though they are soaking wet
And the streets are grimy and glorious
And everywhere there is music
And the rain is suddenly stopping
And that is what it feels like to be here