Don't Ask Me

Don't ask me...

if I'm cold,if you're not going to hold me close and drape your jacket over my shoulders.

Don't ask me...

if I love you, if you already know the answer.

Don't ask me

if I'd want a flower, if I won't see a petal between your fingers the day after.

Don't ask me...

what I think of you; because I don't think of you, I dream of you.

Don't ask me...

if I want to leave, for the echoes of your voice would be too much to bear.

I need the shelter from this harsh world within the caramel specks of your eyes,the kind words you speak in endless whispers, the warmth of your hand in mine, and the magical sparks that flow from your fingertips.

With every touch, I lose all sense of everything around me.

You are all I need,

and a couple of kind acts away from being all I ever wanted.
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© 2009 imagine27